

Caulking your windows and doors is one of the most cost effective ways to bring your energy bill down. Caulking around the windows in the Ottawa, Gatineau area will expand and retract as the seasons come and go and as the house moves side to side.

Overtime this will cause it to crack or shrink to a point where it no longer has a solid bond with the surface it is applied on. This creates a higher flow of air entering the home.

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What are the 3 main reasons to change the caulking around your windows?

1. Water infiltration, the amount of water that can enter through your windows is staggering, and where there is humidity, there is mold!! We have yet to find someone that is thrilled to hear about their mold problems because they didn’t prevent it in the first place.

2. Energy consumption, by recaulking your windows, you should save between 7 and 10% on your energy bill. 

3. Pests, the cracks that form in your caulking is the perfect gateway to the inside of your home for termites, spiders, houseflies and more

When do you need to change your caulking?

There are many factors to look at when checking weather or not you need to change your window caulking in the Ottawa, Gatineau area. Here is a list of questions to ask yourself to help you through the process.

1. When was the house built? Generally speaking, the caulk they use to build houses is not the greatest. This type of product will usually last about 5 years before it needs to be changed. It is also not uncommon to have to change the caulking in the first year after construction. The house tends to move around alot in the first year, so this may open up gaps in the caulking as specially if it is not a very flexible product.

2. Have you noticed any cracks or splits in the product? This is the easiest way to find out if it needs to be done because esthetically it is clear that the product is deteriorating and that there are gaps that need to be filled. 

3. Heat loss is a common sign that you need to change your caulking, check your bills and compare with what you used to pay and that can give you a good idea of the amount of air coming in.

4. How narrow are the joints? Overtime, the product will start to get smaller and smaller. This makes it much more susceptible to damage. We recommend changing it before the damage is done.

What areas need to be checked?

  • Windows and doors
  • Water outlets
  • Electrical outlets
  • Air intakes
  • Siding joints between vinyl and brick
  • Skylights

Pros and cons of the different types of silicone and sealants

100% silicone


  1. Most flexible option. This product will move very easily with the seasons
  2. Does not contain any organic matter: will be less susceptible to degradation
  3. Good protection against UV rays
  4. Lasts between 10 to 20 years


    1. More expensive
    2. Difficult to remove
    3. Difficult to apply
    4. Does not adhere very well to wooden surfaces

    Mix of polyurethane and silicone


    1. Easy to apply
    2. Strong adhesion
    3. Durable
    4. Less expensive than 100% silicone
    5. Lasts between 8 and 15 years


      1. Does not have very good UV protection



      1. Cheapest
      2. Available at any hardware store in individual units
      3. Easy to apply


        1. Does not last very long
        2. Shrinks rapidly in the presence of UV rays
        3. Low adhesion
        4. Color changes easily

        In conclusion, if you are looking for a good product that will last a long time in the winters of Ottawa, Gatineau, we recommend using a 100% silicone product. This will give you the best bang for your buck!

        By calling Lavage de vitres Aylmer, we will be able to discuss your needs and propose a solution.

        Let our team of professionals help you!



        819 918-9303

        Business hours

        Monday : 8h – 8h pm
        Tuesday : 8h – 8h pm
        Wednesday : 8h – 8h pm
        Thursday: 8h – 8h pm
        Friday : 8h – 8h pm
        Saturday : 8h – 8h pm
        Sunday : Closed



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