

As a company, we are responsible for a large amount of consumption. Gas, electricity, supply materials and other forms of transportation make our carbon footprint significant.

That’s why it’s important for us to offset this footprint with interest. By planting trees, we offset our company’s emissions as well as the personal emissions of our employees. This makes us a carbon negative company.

We want to prove that planting trees is not only good for the environment, but also for business. We believe that by doing this we are investing in our reputation, customer loyalty and employee motivation. We hope to inspire other companies to do the same.

One Tree Planted


This year, Lavage de vitres Aylmer is partnering up with ONE TREE PLANTED ; 3 trees will be planted with each purchase.

Every year, 16 billion trees are cut down. We believe it is small businesses like ours that need to be proactive for our environment.

Together we can make a difference.

14 371

trees planted so far


819 918-9303

Opening Hours

Monday : 8am – 8pm
Tuesday : 8am – 8pm
Wednesday : 8am – 8pm
Thursday : 8am – 8pm
Friday : 8am – 8pm
Saturday : 8am – 8pm
Sunday : Closed



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